Independent Samples T-test: Formula, Examples, Calculator

As a data scientist, you may often come across scenarios where you need to compare the means of two independent samples. In such cases, a two independent samples t-test, also known as unpaired two samples t-test, is an essential statistical tool that can help you draw meaningful conclusions from your data. This test allows you to determine whether the difference between the means of two independent samples is statistically significant or due to chance.

In this blog, we will cover the concept of independent samples t-test, its formula, real-world examples of its applications and the Python & Excel example (using scipy.stats.ttest_ind function). We will begin with an overview of what an independent samples t-test is, followed by an explanation of two sample t-test formula and related assumptions. Then, we will explore some examples to help you understand how to apply the test in practice. At the end, you also get a calculator for finding out t-statistics and degrees of freedom for independent samples t-test for equal and unequal variance scenarios. Check out other tools on this page – Machine Learning / Statistical Tools.

Table of Contents

What is independent samples or unpaired samples T-test?

The independent samples T-test is defined as statistical hypothesis testing technique in which the samples from two independent groups are compared to determine if the means of the associated populations are significantly different. The t-test compares the means of two groups, such as a control group and a treatment group, to determine if the difference between the groups’ means is statistically significant or due to random chance. For example, lets say that we have two independent groups of marketing professionals having similar qualification and we want to compare their income to determine whether their income is significantly different.

An independent samples t-test compares the means of two groups. The data are interval for the groups. – Basic and Advanced Statistical Tests

Independent samples t-test is also called unpaired two-samples t-test or just unpaired t-test because the test is performed with only two groups that are independent or unpaired or unrelated. The picture below shows the representation of two independent samples and the aspect of their means.

independent samples t-test representation

The picture below represents represents the need to compare the means of mathematics marks between two independent group (male and female). Independent samples t-test could be performed.

independent samples t-test data example 1

The 2 samples T-test can also be used for pairwise comparisons when the “two” samples represent the same items tested in different scenarios. The pairwise samples t-test will be dealt with in different blog.

Independent Samples T-Test Examples

Let’s say you want to know if two different brands of batteries have the same average life. You could take a battery from each brand, use them until they die, and record the results. This would be an extremely time-consuming process, and it’s not very likely that you’d get a large enough sample size to draw any conclusions. Another option is to use a independent-samples T-test. This test allows you to compare the averages of two groups without having to measure the batteries’ life spans yourself.

The following are a few real-life examples where independent samples T-test can be used: